Matchaparty tea ceremony workshops allow for clients to focus on particular questions through a non-linear design thinking methodology deploying psychosocial therapy.
The Claus Meyer Melting Pot Culinary located in Brownsville Brooklyn is dedicated to addressing chronic disease prevention through delicious local food and community programs. Matchaparty has been working closely with the Melting Pot to develop a seasonal food oriented program based in Brownsville talent and landscape.
During the 2019 Crime Survivor's Speak Conference in Sacramento California, we offered a series of tea ceremonies for around a hundred guests. The Crime Survivors For Safety and Justice movement for holistic compassionate embrace of shared humanistic encounter perfectly describes the goal of the matchaparty.
With dancer Rita Aronstein, Matchaparty opened up a special seasonal space in The Works studio in Chelsea
Working towards the design of a mindfulness room, the Matchaparty program provided an opportunity for young people to visualize a space of intimate mindfulness and to come together as a team with faculty. See the space here.
In several collaborations, the Ladies of Elegance nonprofit has hosted matchaparty in facilitating intimate discussion on food and garden issues in Brownsville Brooklyn.
Matchaparty works closely with artists from the Urban Rhythms community flex dancing program in Mark Morris hosted at 6:30-8:30pm on Friday nights. Matchaparty seeks to feature flex dancers from the Mark Morris Dance Group community. The dance center has hosted a dozen or so Matchaparties in their community dance space.
In several exclusive events Matchabar has hosted Matchaparty in their Williamsburg shop, bringing together a chic late night scene at the beating heart of Brooklyn's night life.
Ouchi Gallery, run by jazz musician and arts director Arisa Itami, hosted Matchaparty for close "animation" of paintings by several artists.
The Pleiades Gallery in Chelsea, Manhattan, offers a unique space for a variety of artists - matchaparty teamed up with Arisa Itami and her team to host and engaging event for over a hundred guests.
private clients
Matchaparty is a mobile installation that can work in individual houses, rooftops, and in gardens around New York City. We've had some good times. Won't you make more? As they say in tea - "one meeting, one opportunity"
Puerh Brooklyn is the kind of rare community of tea enthusiasts that features a modern tea room, a fashion line, and some of the best puerh available in the United States. Matchaparty runs a meditative morning tea lesson at Puerh Brooklyn.
root perspectives design thinking lab
When designers, doctors, and social entrepreneurs come together, "root perspectives" are created. Envisioned by physician Kanwal Kalim, Matchaparty has facilitated several collaborative sessions.
Since January 2019 we have offered several tea ceremonies in collaboration with the monks of the San Francisco Zen Center. These events are free and open to the public oriented around Buddhist topics that have included the meaning of "shukke" or "leaving the home," as well as others.
Working closely with a class in the social entrepreneurship school at the SVA, a series of healthy food products were tested in the design thinking environment of the Matchaparty.
A second SVA Matchaparty was hosted by several students on topics of social resiliency in the face of large scale tech initiatives with data based user engagement in NYC.
Hailing from Austin Texas, Sipsby hosted a Matchaparty at the exclusive Lexington Hotel, famous for Marilyn Monroe and the 7 Year Itch.
With author and clinical psychologist Ben G Adams of "The Creative Process Diet" a gathering was held for New York City's renowned Quaker meeting house.
An intimate event in this small hip tea shop in Downtown Brooklyn.
Flying out from California, a class of graduate and undergraduate students researched social entrepreneurship in the context of ecosocial marginalization and chronic disease through design thinking with Matchaparty.
As part of the UO's HOPES gentrification and displacement conference, Matchaparty became the site of discussion for social and cultural displacement. The tea hut became a language environment for performance of Ichishkiin and Chinuk Wawa languages as well as discussion of concepts of design thinking in the contested ground of cultural displacement.
Event around fashion and mindfulness in this small Vietnamese lunch and coffee shop in the Financial District of lower Manhattan.
Yogaworks offered a series of Matchaparties with premium matcha for yoga practioners before and after their yoga experience.